As always, brushes from Creators Couture do not disappoint! They're easy to install and use, and I just love how they add that little extra "oomph" to my designs!
Thanks so much Kate, you're a star! glad you liked the watercolor brushes for Photoshop!!! xx jess
pour le moment j experimente tout je teste j essaie tous ces pinceaux sur des calques pour voir ce que ca donne et mon impression me dis que je vais beaucoup m'amuser, et moi c est personnel c ,est parce que j aime creer toutes sortes d images pour donner toutes sortes d'effets,il y a tellement de belles choses dans vos créations je ne pourrai jamais me tanné
Merci beaucoup Yves pour vos gentils mots. Je suis heureux que vous exploriez de nouvelles techniques et j'espère que mes pinceaux et mes outils pour Photoshop susciteront de nouvelles idées et créativité pour vous ! Bonne création ! xx Jessica
Thank you so much Yves for your kind words. I am glad you are exploring new techniques, and I do hope that my brushes and tools for Photoshop will spark new ideas and creativity for you! Very happy creating! xx Jessica
nice and very smoth working
thank you Shahid, I am glad you like the free multicolor brush technique!
Your artistic creativity with your brushes amazes me.They're colourful, textural and painterly as described. Love them!! Thank you.
Thank you so much Rasheada, and thanks for the amazing support! here's to lots of new creations in 2025! ❤️
I love these brushes! I could just sit and draw with them all day! I love watching the colors magically dance as you paint.
Thank you so much Holly! I feel the same way, sometimes just the process of painting and watching the colors dance is so fun! very happy creating